I need help...
On a completed ride
On a ride not completed
With my account
About the application
About a payment
I want to report an assault or an accident
I forgot an item during my ride
I waited too long for my driver
The driver's behaviour was inappropriate
I have some comments on his driving
My promo code was not taken into account
I paid in cash and credit card for a trip
The driver didn't give me the change
I need an invoice
The price is not what was indicated at the time of ordering
The license plate number didn't match
🇦🇴 Angola (PT)
🇧🇪 Belgique (FR)
🇧🇪 Belgium (EN)
🇧🇪 België (NL)
🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire (FR)
🇩🇿 Algérie (FR)
🇫🇷 France (FR)
🇫🇷 France (EN)
🇲🇱 Mali (FR)
🇸🇳 Senegal (FR)